Thursday, April 28, 2005


Well, I'd just like to welcome myself to blogging. Please, hold the applause. Thanx. On here, Im going to have many things. Some of my posts will be random thoughts - just observations and questions I may have. A chuckle may come about when read (I was teased recently for using the word chuckle...was that warranted?). I'll have short stories, long stories, but no poetry. CANTSTANDIT. There, I said it.

Why is everyone so scared of saying they hate poetry? Just admit it, you do. What is it, exactly besides a bunch of short sentences that never line up with each other that uses no punctuation, but too many adjectives. I don't get it. I have one world literature class that was interesting for the first two weeks, but then we read Walcott for the next 4 months. Whatthehell is that guy talking about?!? Anyway, my professor, a young, skin-and-bones brunette from Canada who has an English accent and wears flannel belly sweaters in the winter, loves Walcott. Seriously, every time she talks about him her eyes become glossed over with infatuation. It's scary. All she needs is a bunch of cartoon hearts circling above her head. One day, when she asked me what I thought about Walcott's use of "Sir" in A Sea Is History, I was gonna say, "actually, I couldn't care less. I hate the guy's work. And I hate poetry too." But I pictured her gasping then walking over to me wide-eyed, and whispering in her English accent, "how dare you? One mustn't utter such wurds."

Yeah, so there will be no poetry.

Most likely.

Actually, some poems blow my mind and are simply, extraordinary.

A grain of salt, people. A grain of salt.

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